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June 2024 Prayer Letter

June 17, 2024 6:42 am

Dear Friends,
Thank you for your continued prayers on our behalf.

I also want to thank the many of you who have inquired about my health after the emergency gallbladder surgery I had in Peru in February. After the first couple of weeks I have had no problems and don’t anticipate any future issues. Through many of you, the Lord has provided the funds necessary to take care of the expense. Thank you.

Graduation and Wedding Season
We enjoyed being at a couple of college graduations this year. These were for young people that we have gotten to know through our ministry working at camps and visiting colleges promoting missions. We are excited about the way God is leading them in their next steps. God is still at work and young college graduates are good reminders of this.

We also had the privilege of attending the wedding of a couple of recent college grads. I have known both of them for about 4 years. He is starting his first ministry as a youth pastor. Again, a reminder that God is still calling and young people are responding.

Deaf Camps and Missionary Training
Once again I will be spending 3 weeks at the Bill Rice Ranch for deaf camps this summer. I will be at their camp in northern Arizona for an additional week.

The annual Enrichment Week for our missionaries (previously called Training School) is coming up soon (June 17-21). Stephanie and I will be teaching as well as interpreting for our deaf missionaries in attendance. We would appreciate your prayers specifically for this busy week.

Recently we spent 3 days in April with missionaries from like-minded boards learning how to help missionaries share their stories of the events of their missionary service. We learned to help them look back and see the blessings God provided during potentially difficult days in the ministry.

Sign Language Class
We held a community sign language class at our public library in March and April. The goal of these types of classes isn’t to make someone into an interpreter, but to introduce the students to sign language and the deaf world. Typically we would expect 20-40 people at a class like this. We were shocked when 75 people showed up the first night! It was encouraging to meet several who were learning because of a ministry interest.

Thank you for your continued care for us and our ministry.

David Peach

A PDF version of this letter can be downloaded for printing.

July 2023 Prayer Letter

July 7, 2023 3:28 pm

Dear Friends,
Thank you for praying about the Nigeria trip in April. Unfortunately, it did not take place due to paperwork problems and not getting a visa issued in time. This was not a surprise to God and we trust this was all within His plan. I’m still planning to make the trip when we can work out dates and get the paper work sorted.

Training School
We had a great Training School with our missionaries. Each year is a different dynamic based on which missionaries are able to attend. We had a smaller number of attendees this year, but the fellowship and sessions were great. There is a lot of information packed into those 4 days. Along with teaching some of the sessions, Stephanie and I interpreted for one of our deaf missionaries.

143 years of deaf ministry represented in our speakers.

Training School ended on a Thursday evening and I packed up the next morning to fly to Orlando. This was so I could be with one of our missionaries to the Deaf during the funeral of her dad.

Then it was back home the next day to get ready for my second of four weeks of camp.

Camp Time!
We completed our second week of deaf camp at the Bill Rice Ranch in Tennessee. I will be at the Ranch one more week this summer (July 10-14) and then go to their camp in Arizona, West Branch, the following week. Please continue to pray that God would use the speakers and staff to make an eternal impact on the Deaf.

We saw 41 people saved in the two weeks of camp that I have been in. Of those, 2 were from our deaf program. We were thrilled to learn that one of our deaf campers from the first week lead 4 other Deaf to the Lord in another camp she attended the following week.

Camp has had a great influence in my life as I am sure it has in yours. On a recent trip to Arkansas to present our ministry at a new church, we stopped by the camp that I spent my teenage years attending. Triple S Christian Ranch in Rose Bud, Arkansas is still going strong and seems to be faithful to the ministry that they have had for over 45 years. It was a blessing to spend a few minutes walking around the camp and visiting spots where I remember memorizing so many Bible verses.

New Support
We are grateful for new supporters over the last few months. This has been a help to us as we continue to encourage the missionaries working with the Deaf through BIO as well as expand our outreach to them and the Deaf they are serving.

Thank you for your continued prayers and financial support.

David Peach

A PDF version of this letter is available for printing.