We are making preparations to go to Buenos Aires, Argentina in early 2010. The purpose of our ministry there will be two-fold. First, we will be working with national pastor Manuel Cáceres to establish a Deaf church in the city of General Rodriguez. Bro. Cáceres is already trained as a pastor and knows sign language. Our main ministry with him will be to help him evangelize a group of Deaf and get a church organized.
Secondly, Bro. Cáceres has a burden to get us into other churches in the city of Buenos Aires to teach sign language and help establish a few deaf ministries. We will hold sign language class in churches so that they can reach out to the deaf community around them.
The Argentine Sign Language (LSA) is very different from ASL or the Mexican Sign Language (LSM) that we have used the last few years. Learning a new signed language is always a fun challenge.
Our projected goal for being in Argentina will be January of 2010.