Dear Praying Friends, Thank you for your continued prayers and financial support. You are upholding us in an exciting and needed ministry. Local Ministry Many preachers will tell you they would rather be part of a funeral than a wedding.…
April Prayer Letter
Dear Praying Friends, Thank you for your faithfulness in prayers. I believe it makes a difference in the ministry God has given to us. Local Ministry One of the greatest opportunities we have had during the last couple of years…
December Prayer Letter
Dear Praying Friends, Merry Christmas! Having come through the Thanksgiving season and getting ready for Christmas has made me reflect quite a bit on this last year and the many blessings the Lord has provided to our family. Here are…
September Prayer Letter
Dear Praying Friends, Working in the BIO office gives me an opportunity to help missionaries in practical ways. The last several weeks have been a mix of working in the office and meeting pastors as we travel. In the Office…
June 2013 Prayer Letter – Extended
Here is our June 2013 prayer letter that I wanted to write. But, it is too long to fit what I know to be good practice for printed letters. Those reading it online will get about 50% more than those…
May 2013 Prayer Letter
Dear Praying Friends, We have been in Mexico a month and are enjoying being with so many old friends once again. We are filling in for Bill and Jennifer Green with whom we worked to help get the deaf church…
February 2013 Prayer Letter
Dear Praying Friends, Since our last letter, so much has happened and so much is about to happen! I have to wonder how I have been able to go two months without telling you all about it. Costa Rica The…
Costa Rica Trip
Dan Bode (a friend from church) and I are going to Costa Rica on January 24 to visit national missionary Pablo Ramirez. Pablo has been a missionary with BIO for more than 20 years working with the Deaf. This will…
December 2012 Prayer Letter
Dear Praying Friends, Deaf pastor Bizuayehu Assefa walked in the door and God instantly knitted our hearts together. It took less than 10 seconds in his presence to know that I would grow to deeply love this pastor whom I…
October 2012 Prayer Letter
Dear Praying Friends, Last week my heart was broken as I walked away from Ben. He is 96 years old and understands his need for a savior, but would not accept Jesus Christ as the Messiah. He acknowledged that he…
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