Dear Praying Friends, What a wonderful start to a new year! I am excited about what God is doing in, and through, our ministry. Italy In the last letter I asked you to pray for a trip to Italy that…
December 2017 Prayer Letter
Dear Praying Friends, Merry Christmas! In my last letter I told about the 18 who were saved on my Africa trip; however, I only gave details about Ethiopia. I also visited Tanzania and Zambia. Since then I have spent time…
September 2017 Prayer Letter
Dear Praying Friends, On the heels of a wonderful trip to the Philippines, I spent three great weeks in Africa. There were 15 Deaf and 3 hearing saved on my trip. Others were challenged to be a witness to those…
Ethiopia Conference Letter
[This letter was written by Mrs. Tsehai Mulugeta (the late Pastor Bizuayehu’s wife).] Dear Friends, Love and many greetings to you and your dear family in the most holy name of our Loving Lord Jesus Christ. Praise the Lord for…
August 2017 Prayer Letter
Dear Praying Friends, In the church service I was in Wednesday night, the pastor mentioned that the Pacific Ocean was a large place. I leaned over to my wife and said, “Don’t we know. We flew over it twice in…
June 2017 Prayer Letter
Dear Praying Friends, What a wonderful whirlwind of activity since I last wrote. April started with a trip to West Coast Baptist College. Since then I have been to 3 other colleges representing BIO and being encouraged by the young…
March Personal Update
Thank you for taking the time to read this longer personal report. In my regular prayer letter I had a really good story that I wanted to share. As a consequence, all the personal stuff got bumped out. So here is…
March 2017 Prayer Letter
Dear Praying Friends, At the end of last year I met a man, not on his deathbed, but at his funeral. I attended the funeral of a man I had never previously met—but I sure wish I had. Audley Hamrick…
December 2016 Prayer Letter
Dear Praying Friends, Merry Christmas! This time of year is a great reminder of why we are involved in ministry. Yet it is also an opportunity to slow down for a few days and enjoy time with family. For a…
August 2016 Prayer Letter
Dear Praying Friends, This month we celebrate 23 years of marriage and the completion of 22 years of ministry! Training School We held the annual BIO Missionary Training School at our office in June. We hosted our missionaries who are…
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