Dear Friends,
It has been an eventful couple of months since our last letter; which was back when we were looking forward to the events of the summer. Now we are looking back and are very thankful for the opportunities we’ve had in ministry.
I spent 3 weeks at camp as a speaker and Stephanie and I got to enjoy a week of deaf camp as campers. We saw 14 Deaf saved this summer during camps.
Training School and Mission Conferences
One of the highlights from training school for us was that we got to spend more time with Hannah Holmquist, one of our newest missionaries. She is raising support to work with the Deaf in Cambodia.
Recently we enjoyed being with Hannah during a mission conference at Ephraim Baptist Church for the Deaf in St. Louis. We will be with her again at a conference in North Carolina in November. If your church is looking to support a young lady making a difference in the deaf world, I can recommend Hannah to you.
I got a message from one of our missionaries on a Monday in August asking if I could make a visit with them. This was not an unexpected request, but other commitments meant that I needed to leave by Thursday of that week. Needless to say, I felt a bit rushed to be taking a trip to the other side of the world.
BIO missionaries, John and Tricia Olson, took a 3 month trip to Australia in February. Due to some health complications with their daughter, they have been unable to return to the USA at this time. My trip to be with them was simply to be a friend and encouragement during this time.
While they have been disappointed with the lack of answers to their medical issue, they have been very content to continue ministry while they are there. Besides the Olsons, they have Anna Gilkey and Timothy Pozo with them (both BIO missionaries). Another young lady, Marie Hopkins, is Australian and working with the Olsons and their Go Deaf Missions team. During my time there, and because they are “stuck” in Australia, we saw a 20 year old hearing man and an 18 year old deaf young lady accept the Lord.
Romania and Bolivia
Pray with us about the possibility of two upcoming trips. One would be to Romania in November to visit friends working with the Deaf and to encourage some of our Argentine friends who are now in Romania as missionaries. Also we are considering a trip in January to Bolivia to see what we can do to help a missionary family start a ministry with the Deaf in their town.
If you would like to help with a special gift towards these upcoming trips, you can send that to BIO with “Peach Travel” in your note. Or, you can contact me for more information.
Thank you for your continued support.

David Peach
A PDF version of this letter can be downloaded for printing.
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