November Prayer Letter

Dear Praying Friends,
Thank you for your continued support. We completed our first sign language class and are now into our second group of students. We are teaching two classes: beginner and advanced. In the advanced class the students are beginning to think through when they would each be available to interpret based on their other responsibilities in the church. Up until recently they have all been talking about how to avoid ever having to interpret.

We have made some great contacts in the Deaf community, but we have not seen any Deaf from the area in church yet. I just finished a sign language class at the deaf association in town. Because of the class, I have been involved in a couple of community events that have helped us get acquainted with more Deaf. A couple of weeks ago the deaf community sponsored a fund raising event for a homeless shelter that we were able to participate in as a family. There is another event at the end of November that I will attend. I look forward to meeting new Deaf and inviting them to church.

I am still working with my friend Victor. I am not sure where to go from here other than keep showing him the love of God and praying for him. I have talked with his wife, who gives a salvation testimony, and she is glad that I can share God’s Word with Victor. His wife told me that Victor’s attitude is that God will just have to accept him as he is, or not accept him at all. He is too proud to ask Jesus Christ to provide salvation for him. He feels he must save himself or accept the consequences. The frustrating thing to me is that Victor is a kind and loving man. Socially he has done many good things. For him to accept that he cannot save himself is for him to say that all the good things he has done have no value in eternity. He does not understand that no matter how many good things we have done, we are still sinners before a Holy God who is ready to forgive us and save us if we are willing to accept His work on our behalf.

A radio station was recently donated to our church. Victor’s wife is excited about listening to the station and learning more about God’s Word. Victor said he would listen too. I pray that they do and that God will use this new opportunity to reach Victor, and many others, with the Gospel.

Thank you for your continued prayers and support. We understand that the economy is tough on everyone and therefore are thankful for the continued support. We appreciate the extra gifts even more than normal since we know it is a greater sacrifice for those of you who are supporting us financially.

We wish you a great Christmas season this year. As you celebrate the upcoming holidays, continue to pray for missionaries around the world who are separated from their families.

November 2010 Prayer Letter PDF







2 responses to “November Prayer Letter”

  1. […] thinking that it was time to get a new letter in the mail. I went to my ministry website to read my previous letter and see what I wrote so that I can pick up the new letter from there. I was shocked (and saddened) […]

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