Northern Mexico Deaf Camp

Camp will be starting Monday afternoon July 21. We are very excited about being able to share the Gospel with new campers as well as encourage the people within the churches to continue to grow in their walk with the Lord.

Of course the Devil is already working, but we are still seeing the victory. Throughout the last 2 weeks we have had different speakers/teachers who have had to inform me that they could not come for one reason or another. We have also struggled with money and workers for food preparation.

Because of the great number of godly Christian leaders in the churches that will attend, I am able to fill the empty teaching slots with well qualified teachers. The only disadvantage is that they do not have the time to prepare as well as they would like coming into the week. One of our speakers did not think he would be able to attend because of lack of money to pay for the bus trip over. A missionary family that is on furlough is attending camp and has agreed to drive a few hours out of their way to give the speaker a ride to camp. God will have the victory.

We had anticipated a church to help us with the finances for the food this summer. The campers pay enough to cover the camp fee, but we have relied on offerings from national and US churches in the past to pay for food. Though it looks like we won’t have enough to cover the food bill out of the offerings, we know that somehow God will provide. Pray for the week as we also are in need of some direction in the kitchen. We have a cooking crew, but the person who was going to lead the team had a family emergency which will keep her from being able to attend.

Pray this week as we preach and teach God’s Word to many Deaf. We are anticipating between 70 and 90 campers this year.

I look forward to giving you a full report at the end of the week.


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