Update – December 2

Today was a special day at church. We had our first baptismal service. We had two baptized. The first was Eduardo who was saved just a couple of months ago. He is the older of two brothers who have recently been saved. The younger brother would like to be baptized too, but they are not able to come to church on the same day. Because of the neighborhood in which they live, they never leave the house empty. We are not sure when we will be able to have a baptismal service for Memo, the younger brother, but it should be soon.

The second person baptized today was our son. It was my privilege to be able to baptize James. He was saved several years ago and followed the Lord in baptism today.

As with all churches, we are battling many different parties and events surrounding the holiday season. We have been down a bit on attendance on Sundays. Wednesdays have continued to stay steady. Thank you for your prayers for our ministry.


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