Happy Thanksgiving

Today we got together with some other missionary families and had an enjoyable day. We started off with the men and boys gathering at the park this morning to play some football. There were 17 of us and we had a great time.

We then went to the house of one of the missionary families and had a feast! There were 48 of us (if my count was right). It is just like getting together with our family back home. Some of the people we know very well, while others are mere acquaintances. We enjoy getting to catch up with those we know well and get to know the new families.

After the meal we sat around and talked and shared what we were thankful for. We also sang some songs and, of course, watched football. Most people stayed around and talked for several hours after the meal. It is a lot of work and way too much food, but it would be nice to do this three or four times a year just to get everyone together as a family of missionaries.

This has never really been limited to just the missionaries. We have invited other American families to join us who are either church members or good friends of the missionaries. This year we were joined by a family from the US Consulate as well as a few family members who were in town visiting the missionaries.

May God bless you as we move into the holiday season and remember our Savior who brings us together as one family.


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