September 2007 Prayer Letter

Dear Praying Friends,
We had an adventurous trip to camp this summer. We left town with our truck not running quite right, but we had already been to 5 mechanics that were not able to find the problem. We made the 3 day trip to camp running a bit rough, but arriving by the grace of God.

Camp was wonderful! We had 93 people at camp this year. Though it is not significantly more than we have had in the last few years that our family has attended, it is the largest number of campers in several years we were told. There were 3 who accepted the Lord as their Savior! I would like to express our thanks to those of you who prayed for this week of camp. God truly blessed in that special time.

After camp, since we were so close, we headed up to the border to do some shopping. Our truck was still running rough, but eventually we were able to figure out the problem and make the repair ourselves. It was the fuel pump that gave us so much trouble. An interesting side problem cropped up on our way from camp to the border though. Our transmission went out! We had never experienced any transmission issues and were very surprised to have to rebuild it. God provided the right people in the right places and we were able to get our truck towed to a transmission shop to get us back on the road. Of course it was not as simple as it sounds, but God did give guidance and we have a new story to tell the grand kids.

After spending a few days at the border, we returned to Mérida without any car problems. We did have a 3 hour detour because of a closed road, which took us miles out of our way, but kept us moving towards home.

Shortly after we got back home, we started putting things in motion to hold our first camp here in the Yucatan. We were not able to do a week long camp where the campers would go to the campground and sleep, therefore we had a different number of people each day. All total, there were 25 people who attended camp in the 4 day event.

There were no salvations at camp, but we knew there were 2 who attended who had not made a profession of faith. I had been working with them in our church trying to help them understand the Gospel. Both of them are new to sign language and do not have good communication skills. I am very pleased to report to you that they both accepted the Lord this past Sunday morning at church!

God has been gracious in providing our needs for all the traveling we did this summer. Even the unforeseen expenses of car repairs, particularly the transmission, were taken care of by our loving Father. As you continue to pray, He will continue to bless.

I am sure many of you were aware that we had a hurricane come through our back yard August 21. Hurricane Dean passed just south of us but caused little damage here in town. Thankfully, though it was a very strong category 5 storm, there were no deaths in the peninsula. It miraculously passed through a lesser populated part of the Yucatan.

David Peach


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