Update – August 18 – Camp and Hurricane Dean

Camp went well this week. Since we had a day camp, we did not have a consistent number each day, and there was some turnover in the people who came. That said, we had 29 different people during the 4 days. That is a great number and about what we had anticipated. This is our first year doing camp in Yucatan.

There are two who attended camp who, as far as we know, are unsaved. I started working with them very specifically about their salvation recently. They are both very new to learning and using sign language. One is in his 20s and the other in her 40s. Pray for Memo and Mirna as we work with them.

Hurricane Dean is sighting us in. We are not concerned that our house will be severely damaged (you get a strong sense of confidence from a solid concrete house), however we know that there is no way to keep water from coming into the house. As solidly built as these houses are, they are not at all weather-proofed.

Currently we are planning to stay here to be able to start clean up as soon as possible. If we leave it could be quite a while before roads would be cleared enough to get back into town. We will keep our gas tanks full and probably become more fervent prayer warriors over the next several days.






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