Dear Friends,
Happy Thanksgiving and Merry Christmas! We are thankful for another year of service to the Lord.
15,000 Miles
This has been a heavier than normal travel year for us. Since our last letter in September we have traveled about 15,000 ministry miles. In the last 3 months we have ministered in eight different states.
We were in four churches to present our ministry in view of support. We are grateful for love offerings that help us with our travel expenses, but added monthly support will help in our ministry to missionaries. We never want to be a financial burden to the missionaries we minister to and visit. Please consider starting, or raising, financial support for our ministry so that we can encourage more missionaries in the work they do with the Deaf.
God’s Grace
In October we visited the church where I first remember hearing the Gospel as a 9-year-old boy. A few years ago we visited this same church and met a young man who had been saved a short time out of a rough, ungodly life. Because of his appearance, I was a bit surprised when he told me he was starting Bible college soon. As I recall, he said only one college that he contacted would accept him with his background.
Fast forward to today and that young man is the associate pastor at that same church. He has graduated from Bible college and has a beautiful wife.
The thing that stood out to me about this associate pastor is that he seems to be thoughtful and careful with decisions he makes: an example of wisdom. I can’t help but rejoice at God’s amazing work of grace in his life.
Another pastor we were recently with was saved in jail. Looking back, there were some incredible circumstances that put him in that position at that time. God has even used the prosecuting attorney in this man’s life to help disciple and grow him into the pastor he is today.
Both of these men would rather have been saved as young people and not had to live the experiences they did. However, God is using them to reach people that you and I might not be able to reach.
Venezuela Trip
The Venezuela trip has been postponed. This was not much of a surprise as the country is in political turmoil. Their embassy in the US is currently not open and they are not issuing visas for anyone to visit the country. While the trip is on hold for now, it is a trip that I hope to do in the future. I am eager to meet our deaf brothers and sisters there.
My next big trip on the horizon is back to Nigeria to take part in the ordination of two pastors to the Deaf. One is Deaf himself and the other is hearing and has become a dear friend since we first met over a decade ago.
Thank you once again for your prayers for and support of our ministry.
David Peach
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