March 2022 Prayer Letter

Dear Friends,
Looking back over the last couple of months, I’m not sure I can encapsulate all the wonderful things God allowed us to be a part of. But, here goes…

Men’s Retreat
I was privileged to speak in a deaf men’s retreat in January. On the last morning, a man stood and gave a testimony that he had gotten saved at the retreat. He said that through two of the services that week, he saw his need for salvation. One of those messages was my teaching on how to share your testimony as a witnessing tool.

Reggie Rempel preaching at the Harvest Deaf Men’s Retreat

I preached in two school chapel services in Illinois (just across the river from St. Louis). I always enjoy speaking to Christian school students. Having spent the bulk of my education in the Christian school environment, I feel like I have a good connection with them.

A couple of weeks ago I taught a class in a Bible institute in Venezuela (via Zoom). There were about 70 students who are learning sign language. The teacher asked me to share some of my experiences in ministering to the Deaf. In the future, I will have time each month to talk with them about reaching the Deaf and to encourage their ministry in Venezuela. I pray for a time that I can meet them in person.

I spoke in a history class at a local Christian school last week. The teacher asked the men at BIO to come and talk about reaching different people groups and share experiences from the mission field. We are eager have a greater influence in the lives of the young people at this school for the cause of missions.

Deaf Church
Last week I preached revival services for Ephraim Baptist Church for the Deaf near St. Louis. This church is pastored by our friend, and Silent Word Ministries missionary, Paul Strosnider. There were at least 5 unsaved in the various services. One unsaved lady came to the church for the first time. She is hearing and a childhood friend of Pastor Strosnider. Pray as he has opportunity to witness to her.

The other unsaved that were in the services have been to the church before. One of the men has never allowed the pastor to sit down with him one-on-one to explain the Gospel. However, after I preached on Sunday morning, this man approached the pastor and asked if he would come to his house and answer questions about the preaching. Pray that God will give clarity and understanding to this man who has a strong traditional religious background.

Besides preaching at four weeks of deaf camp this summer, I plan to be part of the Silent Word Ministries team to DeafNation World Expo. They anticipate more than 20,000 Deaf from around the world at the event. Through soul-winning efforts at these events, our team has seen more than 100 Deaf saved in the past. Pray for the trip coming up the first week of August. The trip will cost just over $2000.

Thanks for supporting us through prayer!

David Peach

A PDF version of the letter is available for printing.






One response to “March 2022 Prayer Letter”

  1. Robinson Godoy Avatar
    Robinson Godoy

    Holy GOD ABBA keep blessing this Organization for doing a Godly job spreading the Word of Holy GOD Jehovah

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