August 2017 Prayer Letter

Dear Praying Friends,
In the church service I was in Wednesday night, the pastor mentioned that the Pacific Ocean was a large place. I leaned over to my wife and said, “Don’t we know. We flew over it twice in the last couple of weeks.”

Photo of the teachers at the teacher training session.
Filipino Teacher Training

Philippines Trip
We just returned from visiting Chris and Carol Woodley, BIO missionaries to the Deaf in the Philippines. They are doing a great work through their church and school. They hosted a seminar for teachers of the Deaf. There were teachers from 4 different schools. One of the teachers is still in need of salvation. We are praying that she will soon recognize her need and trust the Lord. Pray that the Woodleys can maintain a relationship with her through their mutual connection of deaf education.

Bill Rice Ranch
As mentioned in our previous letter, I was given the wonderful opportunity to speak and teach at the Ranch for 3 deaf weeks this summer. We were privileged to see 25 deaf young people trust the Lord as Savior!

I have no idea what I was saying at deaf camp with my arms crossed.

Training School
Nestled between weeks at camp we had our annual Training School for BIO missionaries. We had 13 missionaries, both hearing and Deaf. As always, this is a great time of fellowship and getting to know one another better. It is exciting to hear testimonies of veteran missionaries as they encourage the ones just starting out.

Africa Trip
I leave on August 22 headed to Ethiopia. Will you please pray that the Prayer and Thanksgiving Conference at Ebenezer Baptist Deaf Church (August 25-27) will be used by God? Besides speaking for the conference, I will be learning how I can better help the deaf churches in Ethiopia. Our friend Bizuayehu Assefa, who was instrumental in training many of the deaf pastors in Ethiopia, passed away last year. The churches are doing well but need some encouragement and maybe a little direction.

On August 30 I will fly to Tanzania to be with missionary Frank Laurent. Bro. Frank is working on building a second deaf congregation. He is also constructing a building for their church at this time. I’m excited about seeing the work and being a blessing to Frank and his dear wife Deborah. They will celebrate their 1 year wedding anniversary while I am with them.

I then go to Zambia on September 6 to be with missionary Yohannes Getaneh. Bro. Yohannes is an Ethiopian national who has helped to train pastors and assist them in starting over 20 churches for the Deaf in Zambia. What a wonderful work God is doing through him!

Though Stephanie was able to go with me to the Philippines, I will be making the Africa trip on my own. I appreciate your prayers for her and our daughter while I am away. I will return September 13.

You can get a PDF version of this letter for printing.


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