July 2012 Prayer Letter

Dear Praying Friends,

On Monday morning June 25 we celebrated the homegoing of my grandmother. My mother spent the last several months caring for her. This allowed us to be physically closer to my grandmother during these precious days. Of all the stories we shared at the funeral my favorites were the ones shared by her friends at church. It was a blessing to hear them tell how much my grandmother requested prayer for missionaries and their needs.

Training School

Our annual training school was terrific! It has been a couple of years since Stephanie and I took part in one of these events. We enjoyed serving the missionaries while they were here as well as getting a blessing from all the great teaching. Among the teachers we had a medical doctor, a language expert, a pastor, a builder and veteran missionaries who taught us how to more effectively accomplish the ministry God has called us to.

Thank you for your prayers for this important week. God used this week to strengthen ministries and form relationships between fellow missionaries. I pray that each one who attended the training was encouraged in the work.

DeafNation World Expo

The DeafNation World Expo is quickly approaching. Within the next few weeks tens of thousands of Deaf will converge on the city of Las Vegas. Our team of Christians is eagerly preparing for the event. We will have literature for both hearing and Deaf ready to distribute. There are also DVDs with a clear Gospel presentation that we will give to the Deaf from close to 100 countries.[pullquote]Please be in prayer for the DeafNation World Expo. It is a unique opportunity to witness to the Deaf from around the world. Much can be accomplished for eternity through your prayers for this important week. We will be in Las Vegas from July 27 to August 4.[/pullquote]

Please pray that this week will have a tremendous impact on eternity. This is the second time this event has been held. We are still reaping a harvest from the convention two years ago. Because of the great reception from the organizers of the event and the good testimony the team showed last time, I believe the foundation is laid for God to do even greater things this summer.

Pray that God will give us boldness to speak His Word with those He leads us to. Please pray for the physical needs of the team too. The summer heat will be a factor that we need to consider. Pray that each of the 35 team members will stay healthy during the event. Our team will fly in from all over the US and at least one foreign country. Pray that we will be patient with the airlines and that we will be sensitive to sharing God’s love with others around us. Many of the team members, ourselves included, are still raising the rest of the money needed for the trip.

Thank you for your continued support of our ministry. We are excited about reaching more Deaf and training others to do the same. We are able to do this because of faithful friends who pray for us regularly. Thank you for being one of those friends.

July 2012 Prayer Letter PDF


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