July Prayer Letter

Dear Friends,
Thank you for your support and prayers while we have been in Argentina. God has blessed tremendously and we have accomplished what we felt God had planned for us here. We are returning to the US on August 2. By the time we leave we will have been here almost a year and a half.

We had a three-fold plan when we came to Argentina. We realized those goals and more. God allowed us to train interpreters in one church and teach sign language in another. The first church has interpreters who are skilled enough to train others in the ministry. The second church that we taught in was a blessing in that there are several in the class who showed great skill with the language. There are a couple of sign language classes near the church that are open to the public that I have encouraged the students to get involved in. Those classes will give them an inroad to the deaf community that can be used to make contacts for their new ministry.

As we approach our final few days in Argentina I am excited about the opportunity to preach on our last weekend at the hearing church. I will preach the evening service on July 31. At that service I plan to preach in sign language and have worked hard to invite all the Deaf friends I have made here. The deaf association in town invited me to remind the deaf community of that special service on their Facebook page a few days before I preach. I am praying for a group of Deaf to come so that I can clearly share the Gospel that evening.

While visiting my friend Victor the other day, I again invited him to church. Victor has never come to church with us nor has he been receptive to the Gospel. However, he said that out of respect and love for me and my family he would come to church on that special evening. I pray that God will give me the ability to clearly share the Gospel with Victor one more time before we leave Argentina.

Will you please pray for that church service? Sunday night, July 31, is this special event.

We look forward to visiting our friends and supporting churches in the upcoming months. We are excited to personally tell you what God has allowed us do in Argentina as well as share what the next phase of ministry is for us.

We need to quickly find a car. If you know of a great travel vehicle that is for sale, or even just a car that we could borrow/rent for a few weeks, we would appreciate any information you have.

When we arrive back in the US we will spend a few weeks finding a place to live and getting settled in to the BIO office. I am not scheduling many meetings until later in the fall. This will give us time to work out the details for our move and everything we will be doing in the near future. However, if you would like to have us in your church please contact me via email or phone and we will schedule a meeting with you when possible.

July 2011 Prayer Letter PDF


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