March Prayer Letter

Dear Praying Friends,
We have just finished summer vacation and the school children are returning to classes. Yes, they really do things backwards in the southern hemisphere. We even walk upside down! We had a good summer with a couple of relaxing weeks, but we are ready to get back into the full swing of ministry.

I appreciate your continued prayers for my friend Victor. Many people are praying for his salvation and he has shown some signs of understanding his position before God, but is still completely reliant on his own ability to earn his way to heaven. Victor, for those who may not remember, is an 86 year-old bicycle builder who has become a dear friend to us.

Recently one of Victor’s clients told me about a deaf man who lives near Victor’s bicycle shop. It took three visits to the man’s house to finally make contact with him. He is in his forties and does not know any sign language. He made it clear that he was not interested in church and did not want us visiting him. However, I told the family that we offer sign language classes at the church. They seem to be interested in the classes. Pray for Walter and his family that we will be able to minister to them and see them saved.

Our sign language students in the church are doing well. One lady is interpreting anything we throw at her. Even with the basic vocabulary she has, she has an amazing ability to interpret what the preacher is saying. She will continue to improve as she gains more knowledge of sign language. Both she and her husband will be going to the Deaf Association with me to take classes and begin getting involved in the deaf community. We also have two other students who are beginning to interpret. We are excited about how the students have matured in their sign language skills over the last couple of months.

For the last two months I have gone to another deaf church to preach for them. I will be doing this on a monthly basis. I took some of the students from our church to help them get a bigger burden for the Deaf in the country. I will be taking different workers for our church with me each time I go.

Pray as we look for other churches where we can train Christians interested in the deaf ministry. We are currently talking with one church in the city of Buenos Aires about teaching a class there. We would like to be in a few other churches before our time in Argentina comes to a close later this year.

It is hard to believe that we have been in the country for a year. We arrived on March 17 last year. While some things in the ministry seemed to take a while to get started, we are thrilled at how far things have progressed recently. Before we can confidently say that our ministry is done here, there are a few other tasks that we feel the Lord would have us accomplish. Please pray with us that we will have wisdom and direction over the next few months.

March 2011 Prayer Letter PDF


2 responses to “March Prayer Letter”

  1. What an excellent ministry this is. This is truly the work that the Savior would be doing if He was on earth. You are being the hands and feet of Jesus my friends. You are Jesus with skin on. May God richly bless you, your family, and this ministry. Glory to God in the highest and may Jesus’ Name be ever glorified in all that you do.

  2. Thanks for the encouragement Jack. I appreciate you stopping by to read about the ministry. It is an honor to be able to write with you.

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