Pray for Gilber

The last couple of weeks I have been working with an autistic man trying to teach him his need for salvation. Gilber is from Peru and is in Argentina visiting his brother. He traveled with several family members and will return to Peru in a few days.

Gilber is 26 years old. He is not Deaf, but does not speak very much. It is sometimes hard to know how much he is learning and understanding of what he is taught. I have taken my time with him trying to help him understand salvation. There was a time in my work with him that I was not sure if I would be able to continue due to lack of understanding, however I spent an hour with him yesterday and God has given me hope for his soon salvation. I left some of my teaching pictures with him so that he could play with them and tell his family the story I have been trying to teach. Tonight at church (our church is having a missions conference) Gilber’s sister-in-law told me that Gilber has all the story memorized. That was exciting to hear.

My next time, and probably last time, to work with Gilber will be Sunday morning. I am praying that God will open my understanding so that I will know how to proceed with Gilber so that he understands his need of the Savior and will accept the Lord that morning. Will you pray with me?

UPDATE: I spent an hour with Gilber teaching him the Gospel yesterday. My prayer is that he understood. He has typically shown an understanding several days after I teach something to him. I left our time together yesterday somewhat disappointed. I did not have the confidence that he did understand and accept the Lord. However, I am encouraged to know that God will continue to work in him.

My prayer now is that God will give me or the family a confidence that Gilber accepted the Lord or that when he does we will know. Thank you for your prayers.

Gilber leaves this week going back home to Peru, but the family is talking about returning later this year. I look forward to seeing Gilber again.


2 responses to “Pray for Gilber”

  1. Edward Howell Avatar
    Edward Howell

    Hi Brother David, I was wondering if Gilber is accountable because of his condition. Is he able to know the meaning of right and wrong? He may never reach the “age of accountability” so to speak and be as a child. If that is true would he be saved by God’s grace and mercy? Just some thoughts. I pray for you and your family and Ministry. God Bless you and yours, Ed

  2. Ed, I think those are valid questions and you could be right that he may never reach accountability. However, I don’t want to be guilty of not giving the Gospel when I have the opportunity and ability to do so.

    Thanks for your comment and your prayers for our ministry.

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