February Prayer Letter

Dear Friends,
We bought our plane tickets for Argentina! We load up and fly on March 16. That is less than 4 weeks away as I write this. While we are excited, we are also very aware of how much needs to be done between now and then.

By choosing a date into the middle of March we are able to attend our mission board’s “March Meeting.” This year is special for two reasons; either of which is significant enough to encourage us to stay. We will dedicate the new BIO Office building at the March Meeting. The dedication will be March 8. Anyone in the Jefferson City, TN area who would like to attend is welcome to join us. The dedication service starts at 6:00 PM. There will be an open house between 4:00 and 6:00 that afternoon. You can contact me or the BIO Office for more information.

The second big event that week is we will approve a new deaf missionary. He is a deaf man going to Tanzania to establish a church and Bible institute. This is the first missionary that I have been privileged to work with and bring through the approval process to join BIO.

We are thankful for some very generous offerings that have helped us raise $5700 of the $7000 we need for the trip to Argentina. We still need $1300 between now and the middle of March. Just as important as the large gifts from churches are the smaller ones from individuals. Whether the Lord leads you to help with this need in a seemingly small or large way, the important thing is obedience to what He would have you do.

We have solidified some of our plans for when we get started in our ministry in Argentina. We will work in 2 different ministries at this time. We also plan to work with other churches as the Lord opens doors. One of the two ministries we are involved with is starting a Deaf church with a  national pastor. That pastor has put us in contact with a missionary who  is interested in starting a deaf ministry in another town. We will work with that church to train people in the congregation to minister to the Deaf through interpreted services and church activities. We pray for other opportunities to help as many churches as we can while there.

Thank you for your prayers and support through this furlough. We are excited to get back to the field. Thankful as we are for the time we spent in churches telling others about our ministry, we long to be back to daily involvement with a work on the field. To do this we need more monthly financial support. Pray that the new churches we were in last year will join our team. If you plan to join us in a financial way, please let us know so that we can better plan our time in Argentina. Just $50 a month more can help us do that much more ministry. Will that $50 come from you?

PDF version of the letter.


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