Nigeria in December

I am planning a trip to Nigeria in December in which I will be working with Pastor Olawale ‘Wally’ Orekan to be more effective in his ministry with the Deaf. Pastor Wally became the pastor of a deaf church in Abeokuta, Nigeria in the spring of this year. He has been learning his sign language well. However there is a need to learn more about how to effectively minister to the Deaf and communicate better within the culture of the Deaf.

Prayerfully I will be leading a small team on this trip. I have invited a couple of men to join me as I go to Nigeria. They will be a help to me in some practical matters. They will also gain a greater love for missions which I pray will encourage others to be more involved is sharing the Gospel throughout the world.

We will be in Nigeria the first 2 weeks of December.

The trip will cost $2000 which I need to raise outside of our monthly support. I have intentionally not mentioned the financial need to our current supporting churches. My purpose in this is to get others involved who may not feel like they have the ability to support us monthly. As a result, I have contacted a small group of churches that have expressed an interest in being a part of our ministry. There are also some individuals who want to be a part of this team. Will you join with us too?

To be a part of the team for this special trip there are two needs: prayer and money.

Pray that the team will be able to get all the paperwork in place for the trip. One of the potential members needs to renew his passport. All of us need to get visas. We cannot get the visas until the plane tickets are purchased. There are some letters we need to get from Nigeria as well. Pray that we will be able to get all the paperwork submitted for the visa process in plenty of time. Since the plane tickets need to be purchased before applying for the visa, we also need to pray for the needed money for those tickets.

Pray for Wally. He wrote me yesterday and said that he has been sick the last few weeks. He is much better now and is ready for our visit. Pray that his health will continue to be fine and that he will strengthen while preparing for our arrival. Pastor Wally pastors 2 churches that are 60 miles apart. One is a hearing church and the other is the deaf church. He needs strength and wisdom as he prepares to receive us and not be too worn out to benefit from the instruction we can provide.

I will attempt to keep you posted on the progress of the trip by way of Please check back here often or subscribe to the RSS feed if you would like to be notified of updates.

One of the ways you will be motivated to pray is that you take part in the financial needs of the trip. The immediate financial need is the money for the plane tickets. That will be approximately $1200. The visa will be $112. One of the fees just to submit the visa paperwork will be $20. Even if you are only able to donate $20, you are helping to cover different costs associated with the trip. The rest of the needed money will be for expenses while in Nigeria.

Any gift you give is tax deductible and can be sent to our mission board marked with my name and that it is for the Nigeria trip. Since this trip has come up quickly and time is running short, it would be a help to me if you will send me an email letting me know how much you are able to donate towards the trip. As soon as I know enough money is being sent in to buy the tickets I can start that process.

Join the team. While you may not be able to go to Nigeria with us physically, you can certainly take part in God’s work by praying for us. Pray for the needs mentioned above and ask God what He would have you do financially to support this trip. Check back often over the next few weeks to see the progress the team is making to go to Nigeria.


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