Dear Friends,
It is exciting to think at the start of the new year what God might have in store for us in 2009. Last week I heard a preacher say that God has been faithful to us in 2008 and now we need to commit to be faithful to Him in 2009. That does not mean there won’t be trials throughout the year, but we can have faith in the fact that God has not failed us in the past and we can continue to serve Him in the future.
We start 2009 with decisions that must be made and plans that need to be laid and executed. We have mentioned in the past that we were not sure where God would have us go next to get another work started. He has opened doors for us to work in Peru and has given us a desire to be there. There are still many details to work out, but that is the direction we are now headed. We will know more in April or May, but in the mean time we are preparing as if we will be in Peru by the end of the year.
God has been gracious to us financially over the last four years in Mexico. However, we still need to raise new support. We are thankful for the new churches where we have been able to present our ministry. We are now praying that they will be able to take us on for financial support and help us reach our goal of being back on the field before the year is over.
We have stayed in contact with the ministry in Mexico and are excited to report that the work continues to grow. The missionaries who took over the work, Bill and Jennifer Green, are doing a great job. If you would like to continue to get reports from the ministry to the Deaf in Merida please contact Bill Green and request to be added to their mailing list.
I mentioned in our last prayer letter that Stephanie has been seeing a doctor to take care of some medical problems. We appreciate you praying. Her blood pressure has been up, but medication has helped. We are still seeing a doctor regularly to get things to where they need to be. Continue to pray that we will be able to make wise decisions and necessary changes.
As always, please pray that the Lord gives us safety as we travel. I never want to take for granted the mercies God has granted us in our ministry. We have traveled approximately 450,000 miles in the ministry and are constantly grateful to God for His protection.
Prayer needs:
- New support
- Meetings
- Health
- Decisions about Peru
- Soon return to the field
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