- New visitors
- Medical mission trip update
- Camp planning trip went well
- Camp financial blessings and needs
- Two salvations
Dear Friends,
God has blessed us with several visitors at church recently. One Sunday we had 7 seminary students visiting us, all of which are interested in special education. Through them, God reminded me of the wonderful blessing it is to be in the ministry and serving Him. One of the students could not stop talking about what a blessing it was to see people dedicated to helping the Deaf. For us, it is what we do because God called us into this ministry. It is easy to lose focus on the fact that God is using us in a special way. As we started the second service, this young man sat on the back row with his wife and cried for 10 minutes praising God for the work we were doing. That was very humbling and a wonderful reminder of the special blessing it is to serve the Lord.
In the last letter I asked you to pray for two upcoming trips. The trip to Valladolid with the medical team was a wonderful blessing. We were able to see more than 120 people come to the Lord! A local pastor worked with us and will be able to follow up on many of these decisions.
After my trip to Valladolid, I flew to Tampico for our planning session about camp. That went very well, even though my luggage took a trip to Guadalajara without me. We have many of the details worked out about camp. There are still a few issues to deal with. Pray that God will give wisdom in those areas. Camp will be July 16-20 near Tampico.
Last year, through the donation of generous churches, we were able to raise a good amount of money for camp. Enough, in fact, to be able to cover most of the cost of camp for this year. However, personally, we are in need of money to help us with our trip to and from camp. It is a 2 or 3 day trip each way (depending on weather, road conditions and traffic). If you would like to help with those expenses indicate that in your donation as being for our camp trip. We estimate the cost of the trip to be $1200.
Recently I was asked to make a visit in the home of a deaf young man. He had told his mother that he was looking for new friends and that he wanted to leave the group he had been hanging around. The mother got word to me to go by and visit. Bill Green and I went to see him. Though he was not home we were able to present the Gospel to his mother and younger sister who both accepted the Lord as their Savior! There are two deaf men in the family, both in their 20’s. The younger brother (not the one we originally went to see) and mother have been in church with us the last few weeks. I have since been able to talk with the older brother and we hope to see him in church with us soon.
Bill and Jennifer Green are the missionaries who will be taking this ministry after we get it well established and head off to start another work. Bill has started taking half of the preaching and teaching responsibilities in the church. It is exciting to see them plug right into the ministry. Bill has some great, God-given, wisdom in managing things in the work. They just passed their 1 year anniversary of being on the field with us. Please pray for them as they will be taking more and more responsibilities within the ministry.
Thank you for your continued prayers.
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