Our new Bible study is going well. We have one new girl (29 years old) that has faithfully attended and have a couple of others that have come off and on.
We learned this week that one of our faithful girls to the Bible study is at risk each week she comes. If her father gets home from work before she gets home from our Bible study, the mother takes a beating for it. The mother does not dare come herself, but the daughter has been faithful and was saved in July. Pray for this situation and that God will help us handle it properly.
I have suspected for some time that many of the Deaf young people would like to attend our Bible studies, but that something has been holding them back. One of our team members, who is a parent of one of the Deaf children, told us this week that the other mothers have decided that they do not want their children coming to our studies. They have various reasons for this, but many could be solved if we could make some friendships among the parents stronger than just the casual contact we have now. Pray with us as we seek for ways to build these relationships.
Our computer has been down for a few weeks. We are waiting on a part to arrive so we can get out or next prayer letter.
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