Two Deaf Saved! – May 26

We had 2 of our Deaf saved tonight! Israel, who has been coming since the first day of our studies and Maria Eugenia. Thank you for praying.

Due to different things that have come up the last couple of weeks, our faithful 5 have been temporarily pared down to 3. One of the 3 was not able to make it tonight, so that just left us with the 2 most advanced students in the group. I had been looking for an opportunity to meet with them separate from the group since I have felt that they are ready to make a salvation decision while the others are not to a point of understanding.

When just those 2 arrived tonight (along with a group of our sign language students) I knew the Lord had planned it. I took the opportunity to present the Gospel as clearly as I could based on the last several months of Bible studies with them.

Praise the Lord they both understood and accepted Christ as their Savior! The father of Israel was there with us too. Their family has been praying for 14 years that someone would be able to teach their son about the Lord. I am humbled to think that God used us to answer 14 years worth of prayers!


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